Police and Military Uniforms
Respirators / Masks and Anti-shock helmets with visors

Respirators / Masks and Anti-shock helmets with visors
Anti-shock helmets with visors (simple or equipped with gas mask) For the purpose of riot / crowd control by the Police. Consists of the helmet body, visor, amortization element, head fixation straps, neck protection element, hearing cavities (for helmet without gas mask) and 2 point attachment with quick release system for gas mask fixation (for helmet with gas mask). Protects the head from mechanical effect i.e. provides protection from distributed mechanical impacts with energy not less than 45 – 50 joules (hits of stones, armature, open flame (for a short time period), liquids, unfavorable climatic conditions etc. Gas mask supplied with the helmet is Provided with see through glass window. Weight of the helmet with wisor 1.4 kg, weight of the helmet with wisor and gas mask 2.4 kg